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Gallup StrengthsFinder Significant Themes:


Individualization- I find it is important to find what is special and different about each person

Arranger- I am good at multitasking and don't get overwhelmed by multiple tasks.

Significance- I need to see the importance in every activity I do and I need to feel that everything i do is recognized.

Belief- My beliefs and ideals play a a key role in my attitude and life.

Restorative- Instead of being scared away by problems, I jump right into them and thorouhly enjoy myself while solving them.


Multiple Inteligences:


Interpersonal: I am very aware of the people around me.

Intrapersonal: I am aware of myself and my limits.

Linguistic: I am very good at expressing myself and speaking.

Dunn & Dunn Learning Preferences:


Temperature: If I am too hot I find it hard to focus and get frustrated faster.

Light: I focus better in a lower-lit room because it is a more relaxed environment.

Time: I like to sit sit down and work for long periods of times so I can get into a groove and focus.

Learning Styles:


I am 40% Auditory

I am 35% Visual

I learn best when I hear information or see it.

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